• Causes of Aging

    • Aging is no more limited to the "Calendar Age"
    • Functional Aging arriving before chronological aging secondary to:
    • 1. Stress, Social Jet Lag, Lack of Sleep

      2. Lack of Exercise, Decreased Physical Activity

      3. Obesity, Malnutrition, Diabetes

      4. Hormonal imbalances, Mood disorders

      5. Pollution, Intoxication

    • Accumulation of complications of Living Long (Burden of LONGEVITY) : Non Communicable Diseases, Degenerative diseases, Physical & Mental decline , Frailty.

    With the advancement of modern medicine and technology the life expectancy of individuals are increasing (increasing the "old olds").

    On the other end, due to variousfactors, people are showing early signs of aging affecting the daily living and productivity adversely (increasing the "old young").

    The "Social Jet Lag" (working against the circadian rhythm) has compounded the adverse aging issues by altering the "Endocrine and Nutritional homeostasis".

    The non-communicable diseases like Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases are on rise.

    Antiaging Medicine was initially focusing on longevity, but now the spectrum is widening towards "Reversing Aging" by combination of various modalities of conventional, interventional and life style medicine.

    "Wellness" is a privilege in today's world. Where "Health" is a birth right to everybody, "Wellness" needs to be acquired.

    The 4 Key Components of Early Aging and Complications of Aging are
  • Types of Aging

    • PHYSICAL : (Obesity, Frailty, Muscle loss, Bone loss, Tissue loss, Aesthetics)
    • ENERGETICS : (Fatigue, Lethargy, Pains, Sexual dysfunction, Weakness, Inability to cope up)
    • HOMEOSTATIC: (Stress intolerance, Hormonal imbalances, Mood disorders, Inflammation, Diabetes, Autonomic imbalances)
    • DEGENERATIVE: (Osteoarthritis, Diabetes, Memory loss, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease)

    If the 4 key components of Aging and 4 Categories of Aging Complications can be managed then "ANTIAGING"/"REVERSING AGING" is not far from reality.

  • Today’s Problems: Common Diseases in Today’s Aging Population

    • Obesity
    • Hormonal imbalances
    • Sleep Disorders
    • Aesthetics issues
    • Frailty
    • Menopause
    • Mood issues
    • Osteoporosis
    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Andropause
    • Memory problems
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Pain Syndromes
    • Somatopause
    • Alzheimer's disease
    • Falls/Fractures
    • Sexual dysfunction
    • Diabetes Mellitus
    • Parkinson's disease
    • Dental problems
    • Autonomic dysfunction
    • Stress Intolerance
    • Appetite disorders
    • Cataract
    • Malabsorption
    • Bowel problems
    • Bladder problems
    • Indigestion
    • Interpersonal issues
    • Social issues
    • Cancer
    • Others
  • Age Management is an art of managing Clinical and Pre-Clinical conditions of an individual to

    • Prevent the Preventable.
    • Delay the inevitable.
    • Repair the repairable.
    • Restore the restorable.
    • Regenerate the possible.
  • Modalities for Age Management

    • Hormones Restoration
    • Manage the "Pauses of Life" (Menopause, Andropause, Somatopause)
    • Menopause
    • Andropause
    • Somatopause
    • Metabolic Medicine
    • Adult Immunization (Vaccination)
    • Prevention and Management of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal deficiencies.
    • EECP
    • Enhancement of Exercise Endurance
    • Aesthetics
    • Pain Management
    • Weight Management
    • Sleep management (including Sleep Study)
    • Stress Management
    • Screening
  • Few recommendations by Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi to remember before going for stem cells based therapies

    • Stem cells based therapies have the potential to be a great futuristic medicine.
    • The effects of Stem Cells based therapies are yet to be proven.
    • Go autologous first.
    • Don't pay very hefty amounts for the same.
    • Don't expect miracles but stay optimistic.
    • Evaluate yourself thoroughly before going ahead with it.
    • Don't fall prey to tall claims made by the therapy providers.
    • Don't leave your ongoing treatment (medicines etc) without consulting your doctor.
    • Everything has a potential to give unwanted effects or to get fail. Please stay prepared for the same.