65 Years old is still young!

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Times of India

Survey : 72% of children not vaccinated on time

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So close, yet far

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Maha Doctors voice in favour of Sexual Independence

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Diabetes can be cured, but not by targeting blood sugar.

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What's Up Docs!

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NYT News Service

People are sleeping more. 18 min extra every night

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Old foes return as distrust in medicine rises

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Divya Bhaskar

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Punya Nagari

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The Hindu

New Docs' body to fight

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The Times of India

Not enough posts for rural service

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Tarun Bharat

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Stem Cell Treatments

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Bhaskar News


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Bhaskar News


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Maharashtra Times

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Daily Mirror

Drug to reverse aging likely
by 2020

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The Times of India

Read these new rules before going in for a
'stem cell cure'

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Smart Life

Testing times

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Childhood Obesity : An Overview
from Adult Physician's Perspective

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Childhood Obesity : An Overview
from Adult Physician's Perspective

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Myths and Facts about

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Gestational Diabetes Decoded

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The Times of India
Decoding Obesity :
The Lifestyle Disease

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Health & Nutrition

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Science of Sleep

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Is Sugar The New Tobacco?

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Speaking Tree
Sugar is the new Killer

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Productive Ageing

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B +ve, Health & Lifestyle
What Is Andropause?

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The Times of India
Longevity decoded

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Health & Nutrition
Fat to Fit

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World Samachar

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Are You Addicted To Sugar

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OBESITY : More than a life style disease

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Smart Life
Body Chemistry

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Sugar Alert

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Times, Jan - 2015
Are We Ignoring Prediabetes?

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Smart Life:
Dodging the death trap

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Hormones And Aging

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B +ve, June - 2014:
Staying Young Forever!

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Society: Diabetes Check

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HCG is not a miracle remedy for
obesity management

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Health Savvy:
Stay Beautiful!
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Obesity is a modern epidemic

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Afternoon: Aging is inevitable yet modifiable

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Times: Young forever?
Key to reverse aging unlocked.
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Beware of
high-protein diets

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The Telegraph:
Fussfree, fatfree

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The Times of India:
Testosterone deficiency may be striking early
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Sleep like a baby

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Bombay Times:
Diabetes Epidemic On
The Rise In India

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Bombay Times:
Obesity "epidemic" on the rise

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Do You Sleep Binge on Weekends?

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Why The Gluten
Free Diet Is Just A Fad

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Salon International:
Anti-ageing market
Gets a thumbs up

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Healthy Living:
Living With Positive Vitality

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The Art & Science of Obesity Management

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Mid DAY:
Myths & Facts about
HCG weight loss diets

Read Article

Shunned sisters hopeful,
with love from Russia

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Sify Health:
Hormonal imbalance
can cause stubborn weight gain

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The Times of India:
Men need hormones too

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The Times of India:
Ready for the
hCG diet?

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Mid DAY:
Hic, Hic, Hooray

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The Aesthetic Guide:
Zerona LLLT Receives
Industry First FDA Clearance

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AGE No Bar

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The Asian Age:
Your face is
your fortune

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The Asian Age:
What's age got to do
with it?
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Hindustan Times:
Lifestyle, stress
making people
age early

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Diet Management

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The Times of India:
Wrinkle Free
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The Asian Age:
Defy Nature, Reverse Age
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Want to look
young at 50?

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The Telegraph:
What's age got to do with it?
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Anti-aging remedies
Hormone Replacement Therapy
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Health Plus:
Menopause Blues

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The Age:
Defy Nature, Reverse Age
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Business Standard:
Cut out the flab

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The Times of India:
Goodbye lipo, hello laser
Several new technologies
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The Times of India:
Goodbye lipo, hello laser

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Lasers That Zap Fat

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Divya Bhaskar:

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Divya Bhaskar:
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