How to Stay Safe From Covid 19

In this pandemic of Corona Covid 19, it’s the need of time that we (Authorities, Doctors and General Population) strategize our fight to win over this crisis with "Think Globally and Act Locally" approach.

Involvement of each and every citizen (individual) of this world needs to participate in this fight between "Human Mankind" and "Corona Covid 19".

In this newsletter (6th in the series), I am trying to formulate the "8 levels battle against Corona Covid 19".

  • 1st - Prevent the Access of Virus to the Body.
  • 2nd - Prevent the Entry of Virus inside the Body.
  • 3rd - Controlling the inflammatory responses and providing the symptomatic relief.
  • 4th - Prevention of Replication of Virus in the Body.
  • 5th - Taming Down of the Robust Immune Response of the Body.
  • 6th - Providing Passive Immunity.
  • 7th - Recovery from Life Threatening Complications
  • 8th - Active (Acquired) Immunity in the Community

Level 1: Prevent the Access of Virus to the Body.

  • Disposal or Cleanliness of Fomites.
  • Maintain Hygiene (Including Hand Hygiene)
  • Use of Masks/Gloves (By Caregivers of Suspected Corona Covid contacts/cases)
  • Use of PPE Kits (By Doctors and paramedical staff taking care of suspected/confirmed cases of Corona Covid 19)
  • Social Distancing ( By masses to block the transmission Chain)
  • Quarantine (Of the Contacts/suspected contacts To block the transmission Chain)
  • Isolation (of confirmed cases)

Level 2: Prevent the Entry of Virus inside the Body.

  • Maintain Hygiene (Including Hand Hygiene)
  • Avoid touching Face, Eyes, Nose, Ears with fingers.
  • External physical barrier (Masks, Gloves, protective eye wears, PPE wears)
  • Strengthening the mucosal barriers (Potential role of Hydration, Vitamin A, and Zinc, though not studied well

Level 3: Controlling the inflammatory responses and providing the symptomatic relief

  • Anti-inflammation (NSAID, Chloroquine, HCQ)
  • Antihistamines
  • Cough Suppressant
  • Bronchodilators
  • Maintaining the Innate Immune Response (Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Zinc, Selenium, Thiamine; Not Studied well).
  • Decreasing the Oxidative Stress and Free Radicals (Vitamin C, Vitamin E; Not studied well)

Level 4: Prevention of Replication of Virus in the Body.

  • Altering the pH inside the cells (Potential role of Chloroquine, HCQ, Vitamin C).
  • Blocking the interaction of Virus with ACE 2 Receptors (Proposed role of Chloroquine, HCQ )
  • Blocking RNA Polymerase (Potential role of Chloroquine, HCQ, Remdesivir, Favipiravir)
  • Binding with M-pro enzyme needed for Corona Virus replication (Potential role of Lopinavir, Ritonavir).
  • Chloroquine/HCQ is a “Zinc Ionophore”. It increases the level of Zinc inside the cells. The Zinc, then blocks the RNA Dependent RNA Polymerase.

Level 5: Taming Down of the Robust Immune Response of the Body.

  • Maintaining the Innate Immune Response (Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Zinc, Selenium, Thiamine; Not Studied well).
  • Decreasing the Oxidative Stress and Free Radicals (Vitamin C, Vitamin E; Not studied well)
  • Immunomodulation (Chloroquine, HCQ, Azithromycin, Toclizumab/Altizumab, Leronlimab, Sarilumab)
  • Leronlimab has a potential role in controlling the Cytokine Storm (proposed)

Level 6: Providing Passive Immunity

  • Plasma collected from persons who have recovered from Corona Covid 19 that may contain antibodies to Covid 19 (Trials ongoing)

Level 7: Recovery from Life Threatening Complications

  • ICU care
  • Oxygen (High flow or Hperbaric Oxygen)
  • Fluids and Electrolytes management
  • Life Support
  • Medicines (as mentioned in previous levels)

Level 8: Active (Acquired) Immunity in the Community

  • Immunization (Vaccination) (Not yet available)
  • Role of Subclinical population infection to develop “Herd Immunity” can’t be ruled out.

Dr. Deepak Anjana V. Chaturvedi;
M.B.B.S.; M.D. (Medicine)

Internal Medicine, Metabolic Medicine,
Diabetes, Thyroid , Obesity, Antiaging & Geriatric Consultant.
Antiaging Hormones Physician, Wellness & Lifestyle Consultant.
Medical Motivational Speaker.
(Key interest in : Medical Antiaging, Metabolic Medicine, Hormones Replacement, Regenerative Medicine, Wellness Medicine and the Management of Obesity, Menopause, Andropause, Somatopause, Sexual Dysfunction and Aging related issues.)